onsdag 24 september 2014

Moc's of Lego 42023

Mocs using mostly parts from each of the vehicles in 42023.
I even managed to have a theme :-)

Vehicles for Norrköping

Some remote controlled vehicles for the Swebrick event in Norrköping.

söndag 3 november 2013

Running the program part of the loom

A short run of the backend piece of the loom.
The first moving part is the reseter of the program.
It pushes axels out of connector soo no warp threads will rise.

Then the beams with the program on (pins) it moved and the pushed against the axels, pushing them into connectors. All the axels are lifted up, pushing the warp theads up. The axels are then lowered back and the cycle starts over.

The large shuttle part is missing is this video.