söndag 3 november 2013

Running the program part of the loom

A short run of the backend piece of the loom.
The first moving part is the reseter of the program.
It pushes axels out of connector soo no warp threads will rise.

Then the beams with the program on (pins) it moved and the pushed against the axels, pushing them into connectors. All the axels are lifted up, pushing the warp theads up. The axels are then lowered back and the cycle starts over.

The large shuttle part is missing is this video.

lördag 5 oktober 2013

how to move a mindstorms ev3 motor to the start position.

During my build of a lego technic loom i found out that I had counted the number of needed motors wrong...
So I was one mindstorms motor short. XL or medium motors are not an alternative since I need degree precision.            
To solve the missing motor problem I built a transmission but instead of taking the output power on one axle with different speeds I have three separate axles that, one at a time, get the power.

Simple transmission with three outputs.
This configuration is working great but during the programming  I had problems with the initialization.
The power of the mindstorms motors are so great that it breaks the build and put a big stress on the frame (I had to add the long yellow beam). But with this short program the orange L-beam is turned upwards until it can't move any more.
Move to start position
It works by first reset the internal angle measurement.
Then turn on the motor for a short while.
If the angle measure block at the end returns zero degrees of movement the loop is exited.
Otherwise we run around in the loop once more.

onsdag 25 september 2013

En bit till

Nu har jag testat att programmera skytteln och det funkade fin fint.
Mönsterprogram är också tillagt

söndag 19 maj 2013

Next gen again

One more step!
Pin pusher and weave packer is driven by one axle.
Have not solved how the thread shoud be moved from left to right in the warp. More thoughts needed

lördag 19 januari 2013

En fungerande vävstol i lego

Nu fungerar den
Finns ett antal förbättringar att testa:
Spärr på bakre varpsamlaren
Varpen behöver flyttas mer upp och ner så att skylten får plats mellan trådarna
Slagan borde slå mer vertikalt

Vävstol första försöket

Lagom stor men delen som slår ihop väven måste nog bli högre galler på för att det ska fungera